Safe And Effective Weight Loss: How To Achieve Your Goals The Healthy Way

Weight loss is a big topic online, especially on social media. Influencers worldwide make videos and write articles on various weight loss plans and strategies. However, most of these are clickbait, others are unfounded myths, and others are just done for the sales. Despite the proliferation of self-proclaimed fitness gurus, some people and ideas work and are proven by science.

The main idea behind successful weight loss is taking in fewer calories than you are expending daily. The process is often slow and requires quite a bit of commitment. On average, losing about a pound a week is safe, equating to burning 7,700 calories. You can achieve this by utilizing several strategies together. 



Weight loss, as mentioned above, requires quite a bit of commitment. One strategy that may need you to pay careful attention is tracking your exercise and diet. Tracking these means you know your exercise’s effectiveness and how many calories you burn. You will also need to be mindful of everything you eat. 

Log all these details into a journal or tracker to know how many calories you are consuming and expending. You will know what to adjust to reach your goals through these records. Some studies have found positive correlations between calorie intake, activity tracking, and weight loss. 


Another effective strategy is intermittent fasting, an eating pattern built around periods of fasting. According to studies in the International Journal of Obesity in 2005, intermittent fasting that lasts 24 weeks leads to weight loss in people who are overweight. Intermittent fasting comes in several forms:

·      (ADF) Alternate Day Fasting

In this strategy, you will need to eat normally and fast on other days. In another version of this type of ADF, you will only eat part of the body’s energy needs, about 25 to 30 percent.

·      The 16/8 Method

In this strategy, you will need to fast for about 16 hours and only consume food within the remaining eight hours. Most people usually make these eight hours between noon and eight at night. According to a study on this strategy, people lost weight because they consumed fewer calories than they were expending.


Exercise is not necessary to lose weight, but it can speed up the process. Specifically, weightlifting has been proven to help quicken how fast you can lose weight. The reason weightlifting is so effective is that you burn a lot of calories when you do it. It also helps increase your metabolism, letting you burn more calories throughout the day. 


Diet is the most defining factor when it comes to effective weight loss. You will need to get the right balance of foods and the right type. For instance, it is beneficial to cut out refined carbs and sugars and replace them with whole grains. You will feel hungry less often, leading to eating less. Also, including proteins and healthy fats will help you eat less and provide the fuel to burn more fat.

For more on How To Achieve Weight Loss the healthy way, visit Orlando Laser Lipo at our office in Orlando, Florida. Call (407) 627-1166 to book an appointment today.


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