Here’s How Orlando Residents Are Losing Weight Without Surgery

Nowadays, there is a new promising fat removal option every few months. If you want to lose weight quickly, these treatments promise to freeze, tuck, or suck fat off your body instantly. That all sounds good, at least in theory. Unfortunately, many of these options rarely, if ever, live up to their claims. Still, some, like laser liposuction, seem to work.

What Is Laser Lipo?

Standard liposuction involves invasive techniques that come with specific risks. However, laser liposuction is a less invasive and risky option that can produce effective results. Minimally invasive or nonsurgical fat reduction options include technologies that use injected medication, cooling, or heat to reduce fat cells.

Laser lipo uses laser energy delivered through a specialized device to heat and disrupt fat cells without affecting other structures or types of cells in the skin. The treatment promises a less invasive alternative to traditional liposuction.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

The ideal candidates for low-level laser therapy for fat removal are those ready to commit to an exercise regime and diet conducive to weight maintenance. The treatment can benefit those who do not have a lot of weight to lose but are unhappy with specific areas of their body. You may not be a good candidate if you are looking at it as a weight loss program. Laser lipo works great for altering individual body parts after losing weight.

Furthermore, you should set aside enough time to commit to multiple weekly sessions for several weeks. The number of sessions required to achieve the best results varies from person to person.

Laser fat removal is not ideal for pregnant women or those trying to become pregnant. People with pacemakers should avoid the treatment too. Also, it would help to remember that this therapy will not address any underlying hormonal, physical, or metabolic issues causing your weight gain.

How Does It Work?

Low-level laser therapy targets fat cells while sparing other body tissues. The lasers slowly perforate the fat cells, causing them to deflate. Your body retains the fat cells. That is a good thing since eliminating them can have unintended consequences like fat reappearing in other areas. Laser lipo releases shrunk fat cells into the intestinal fluid. The lymphatic system then flushes them out.

How Does the Treatment Feel?

Most sessions last between 20 and 40 minutes. You will not experience pain or discomfort since it involves using cold lasers. That also means there is no downtime. So, you can immediately resume your regular activities.

Afterward, you may feel sick, dizzy, or tired as the fat cells release their contents into your bloodstream. There is no reason to panic. Drinking plenty of water will flush the toxins and fat out of your system.


This treatment is not a miracle cure. It is a complementary therapy designed to make your exercise and healthy eating more effective. You still must work hard to enhance your results, including working out moderately, eating a healthy diet, and staying hydrated.

For more about noninvasive fat reduction, visit Orlando Laser Lipo at our Orlando, Florida office. Call (407) 627-1166 to schedule an appointment today.


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